it's like believing that Iraq was behind 9/11 and going to war over it even though we know it was Al-Queda and most of the attackers were Saudi's. Seems stupid to make the same dumb mistakes all over again, especially when picking a pointless fight with a huge nuclear power might have a bad outcome for the planet, especially with an idiot at the controls.
The bogus Iraqi issue was the result of a president - Bush - wanting to cook up an excuse to invade it because Saddam once threatened his daddy. It came from the top down. There is no parallel between that and the massive intelligence on this issue unless you want to believe that our current president, Obama is behind it. Any conspiracy is not likely to have been cooked up by all 17 intelligence agencies just so that the CIA could broaden its power.
Per the idiot in control of our nuclear arsenal, he is not likely to start a war of any kind with his lover Putin.